Fokus på fejlændringer og animationer i ny opdatering
Natten til fredag landede endnu en opdatering til CS2, som Valve fortsat arbejder hårdt på at forbedre.
Denne gang har fokusset, ligesom de sidste mange gange, været på at forbedre en lang række fejl på de forskellige maps såvel som at ændre lidt i forskellige animationer.
De nye animationer har X-brugeren Jackyesports dykket lidt ned i og har vist før- og efter-videoer, så forskellen er tydelig. Nedenfor kan du blandt andet se, hvordan det nu ser ud, når man vender sig rundt i spillet.
Derudover har Valve også forbedret deres sub-tick-system igen.
Hele opdateringen kan ses her:
Sub-tick timing improvements to various systems including grenade throw animations and revolver firing
Added a missing fire effect to molotovs that are held by players
Reduced the amount that player characters will rotate their torso away from leg orientation
Improved hit reactions
Made jump animations directional
Improved character posing when aiming up and down
Improved foot placement and posing when running
Reduced animation posing when deploying
The timing of a players flashbanged posing now more accurately represents the player's ability to see
Fixed issue with Shadow Daggers playing catch sound during looping inspect animation
Further refined falloff distance curves and volume of grenade bounces
Lowered volume of deathmatch bonus period ending
Lowered volume of lobby chat notification sound
Fixed missing water drip console errors in Office
Increased audible distance of breaking glass window sounds
Fixed an issue where sometimes a Sabre agent would say hostage related lines when cheering
Adjusted wear values of most tournament stickers and many other stickers to better match CS:GO
Changed handling of non-default console key bindings to match CS:GO behavior
Fixed cubemap issue at Lobby
Fixed hole at B-site
Fixed some holes at Ramp Room
Fixed glass floor material at B-Site not having impact effects
Fixed up footstep sounds on hazard stripes
Attempt to fix light leaking through base of doors at B-site
Brightened red interior walls to help with agent vis
Fixed pixel boost on chainlink fence outside
Fix shadows leaking through double doors at B-site
Made cubemap transitions smoother in some places at b-site
Fixed clipping on van at Truck
Clipped fridge in Apartments to prevent player becoming stuck
Adjusted bombsite A size and added visual boundaries
Fixed collision on Scaffolding to provide smooth movement
Fixed geometry and clipping outside Sniper's Nest to prevent pixel walking
Improved clipping around desks at t-spawn
Improved clipping on crates at Back Courtyard
Re-added collision to handrails
Extended staircase and added grenade clip to stairs at near t-spawn to prevent grenades becoming wedged in gap
Fixed clipping on crate at mid
Fixed clipping on scaffold at back of A
Fixed clipping on scaffold at T-start
Fixed vis bug at A-ramp looking toward Bridge
Fixed grenade clip on support beam at A-ramp
Plugged Holes in insulation foam roll model
Fixed hole under pillar at A-site
Fixed clipping above walkway stairs in Palace
Closed up multiple microgaps throughout the map
Fixed some clipping on pillar at A-site
Fixed clipping on doorway at b-site
Plugged some micro holes
Fixed gap between two clip brushes that allowed bomb to be thrown on top of building
Fixed slight wall gap that allowed sniping into bombsite A
Fixed clipping on doorway at b-site
Fixed various gaps in the world
Fixed various texture seams
Closed gap that looks into Jaguar area
Adjusted clipping along fence near A-site
Adjusted clipping around tree base on A-site boost
Adjusted position of stone near B-site that player could crouch in
Added clipping to the top of the map to help minimize player exploits